At the end of 2020, Resinex supplied the Dublin Institute, more precisely the Galloway University research centre, with 14 floating syntactic blocks for a research project carried out at 6000 metres depth in the Atlantic Ocean.

The blocks have a net buoyancy of 22 kg, they are 600cm tall and the diameter is 45,8cm. The blocks are filled with linear polyethylene and foam polyurethane.

Finally, the blocks have to support a 40 kg robot that conduts underwater surveys.

It isn’t the first time that the DIAS (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) is supplied with Resinex products. In fact, already in 2019 Guralp, provider of seismic instrumentation and monitoring systems, asked Resinex to supply some syntactic floats for an innovative project on earthquake and tsunami early warning for their final customer: the DIAS.