SEA Reader represents an innovative solution for aquaculture water monitoring.

Designed by Apphia, an engineering company based in Lecce (Southern Italy), it consists of a Resinex sensorized buoy that acquires environmental parameters and a software that analyses the data and supports the farmer as for the production management.
The design of the buoy, carried out by Resinex technical team, was guided by the need to provide an ad hoc solution for housing all the components, ensuring at the same time strength and stability. The buoy has a net buoyancy of 70 kg, a 6 mm polyethylene shell and is filled with polyurethane foam.
It is equipped with a solar panel and a self-powered marine lantern.

Resinex sensorized buoy for environmental monitoring

Resinex sensorized buoy for environmental monitoring of water in aquaculture plants

Thus, the user is able to constantly monitor the water of the aquaculture facility, by correlating biological data and production data.
The information can be used to optimize the quantity of feed to be distributed both for environmental protection (waste minimization) and economic saving.
The quality improvement of the environment in which farmed fish grows also leads to a quality increase of the final product, in favour of a sustainable aquaculture.

The first buoy was installed in the Maricoltura Mattinatese’s facility, where breams and sea basses are raised in open sea in the waters of Mattinatella Bay, on the Gargano coast.