In Colombia, the company Cenit, a subsidiary of the Ecopetrol Group specialized in the transport and logistics of hydrocarbons, issued a tender in December 2022 for the replacement of a monobuoy undergoing revamping.

The main purpose was to maintain the activity of the La Valeria refinery in Cartagena during the works to replace the monobuoy used during the unloading of the oil tankers. The construction of an alternative system for vessel offloading was required, involving the installation of a hot tap in the existing pipeline, a system which was able to maintain the flow of hydrocarbons from the vessel to the storage terminal in Pozos Colorados near Santa Marta.

Resinex provided a winning solution with the Multiple Buoy Mooring, which, in only three months from the tender opening, was delivered to the destination. Three Resinex catamaran buoys were supplied (product details here), offering several advantages over traditional large single-point mooring buoys. The anchoring system allows them to maintain a horizontal position even under the worst tension conditions.

The catamaran design of the buoys also provides greater resistance compared to standard buoys that tend to tilt under tension, thereby enhancing safety during adverse weather conditions. Each buoy is composed of 22+2 modular unsinkable floats with a net buoyancy of 57 tons and four quick release hooks, each with a capacity of 75 tons.