After months full of obstacles and difficulties, the original brand new programme for the simulation of the behaviour of buoys and elastic beacons came into being. Resinex commissioned MOX to project and create a simulation programme which took into account the main meteo-marine variables and apply these to the hundreds of Resinex models so as to highlight the behaviour of the thousands of product/meteo-marine condition combinations.
Buoys with both standard and virtual mooring (jumper) were taken into consideration as well as all types of beacons.STATISTIC

The programme allowed us to visualize with extremely clear and explicit images (3D) the behaviour of any typology of Resinex product within the three primary categories for an extended period.

Moreover, the programme can simulate the behaviour of various products also following a variety of pressures or loads that the product is exposed to. It is therefore ideal also for simulating the behaviour of mooring buoys even in the most extreme meteorological conditions.
From an analysis of the actual programmes on offer in the market, it would seem that such a comprehensive system of mathematical analysis capable of simulating many different environmental at the same time has not been developed.
Certainly this is a considerable competitive advantage which Resinex is obliged to exploit over the following years to make the projects safer both for Resinex and its clients.

What is MOX?
MOX (Scientific Calculation and Modelling) is a centre of excellence in the Mathematic Department of Milan Politechnics, which operates in the field of mathematics design and numbers simulation. It has many diverse ventures with the mechanical sectors of the industrial world, the environment, sport, energy and health with the aim of supplying advanced methodological numeral mathematics in the area of computerized fluid dynamics, process optimization, mechanic or electrical devices. For further information: