muletto boa resinex

Oil exploration is ever extending into the high seas to drill the ocean floor in order to find new oil and gas fields. Great depths which once seemed out of reach are now closer to hand thanks to the development of advanced technology in which the oil companies are making new and important investments.
Resinex, with its products, has always anticipated market needs and invested hefty sums in research thereby always keeping one step ahead of the competition: an example of this is the new autoclave installed last September in the Adro Marine Research Centre. No other similar autoclave exists in continental Europe in size for those able to carry out testing to 4000 metres depth. It is 1.1 metres in diameter by 2.2 metres in height and joins the four other autoclaves available to Resinex laboratory technicians among which is a giant of 2.1 metres in diameter by 3.5 metres in height which can simulate pressure conditions of upto depths of 500 metres. 
In this way our company is once again the vanguard in quality and safety in its floats, offering an always more advanced service to the customer.foto_pagina_1
Quality Management of materials and production process is certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance norm ISO 9001:2000. Exhaustive laboratory tests are carried out on samples taken during the work process. But before being consigned, the floats that come off the production line in Torbiato (Brescia) are first passed through to the nearby Adro Resinex Marine Research Centre which is equipped with the most up-to-date and sophisticated analysis systems. Besides weight and dimension, traction resistance is tested, both of pressure and floatability (net buoyancy) and the data are fed into a computerized system which gives a report of all the characteristics of the piece in question. This is a type of Identity Card which represents an extra guarantee of Resinex quality.
A new autoclave with the capacity to carry out tests to the maximum pressure has recently been installed in the Adro Marine Research Centre. Another research investment to maintain the height of quality.