In July 2018 Resinex supplied two of its brand-new 1500 mm plastic light buoys to be placed in front of the famous Blue Grotto, the most visited Natural Museum in the world.

The peculiarity of the cave is given by its brilliant blue colour, due to the presence of the underwater threshold near the entrance through which the light penetrates: the red colour is absorbed and only the blue can pass, thus creating a truly spectacular play of lights and colours.

Interior Of Capri's Blue Grotto

Interior of the Blue Grotto

Resinex buoys will help to control and regulate the very intense marine traffic in front of the Grotto, which has become very chaotic and unsustainable over the last few years. The Blue Grotto hosts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, who, coming from all over the world, flock to the enchanting island of the Neapolitan archipelago, especially near this natural cavity.

Local administrations hope that this will only be the first step towards the creation of a real Marine Protected Area that could guarantee a better protection of the zone.

Resinex is proud to have contributed to enhance one of the most magical natural places of Italy.

1500 mm plastic light buoys

1500 mm Resinex plastic light buoy